De La Paz for MASH

De La Paz Coffee Roasters is a specialty coffee roasting company located in San Francisco, Ca. They strive towards sourcing and offering the most exceptional coffees they can find. They make a point to reward their producers they work with for their high quality coffee. This in turn creates a sustainabilty model they are very proud to follow. The producers are rewarded with their relentlessly hard work with money that allows them to continue growing some of the best coffees in the world, and also improve their quality of life.

Last week I stopped by to visit, and brought my camera to photograph some details from their working environment. I’m not sure how bikes, and coffee became united in history, but there is no doubt they are related. De La Paz is a living example of this harmony.

Jason and Sharky were making notes about a new roast, and got a chance to see the details that go into each roast.

Sharky making some mental notes

They have tons of local pride all the way down to their roaster, with it’s nameplate reading ” The San Franciscan”

Pictured left to right:
Rob Saybolt
Jason Benford
Sharky Senesac
Not pictured: MariPaz Garcia Cortes

We have always enjoyed working with people in SF doing great things. This time around we produced a porcelain travel cup, and are offering it with a 3/4 pound bag of Ethiopia Moredocofe beans. We will be shipping once a week, the day of the roast. We look forward to sharing a little bit of SF with you!

Jason’s bag is well traveled.

The eco cup is a double walled, so heat does not transfer. It has a matte finish for a nice grip.

Check out their custom 20 inch Hunter cargo bike. All beans delivered fresh daily by bike.

Rob coasting between drop-offs.

Please check in with their blog, and pick up some beans, and this new travel cup.